Beautification Committee 04-19-2022
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Beaverdale Beautification Committee meeting via Zoom 4/19/22
Attending: Nancy Dunbar, Mary Ellen Burr, Toni Hayes, Jean Swanson, John Waters, Marion Wissler, Donisue Rupp, Terry Thielen
TREES: Nancy wrote an article about Memorial Trees for the Sidewalk and included wanting to plant a tree for Theresa Graziano and direct donations to the BNA. Mike said there is plenty of money in the tree fund if we want to go ahead and plant this spring. It was suggested to plant a tree close to Beaver if possible or near Tom and Sophie Vlassis’s trees. Nancy will scout for a spot. Sasha would also like to plant a tree for her dad. Marion said Artic is up for sale, so might be good to get plaques ordered soon. Nancy and Terry will continue to water the memorial trees in the median as needed: Mary Lou’s, Tom Vlassis, and Eugene’s. Neighbors are taking care of Marv’s.
PARKS: Ashby: Toni and Nancy met with Julie Hempel about plantings for the curb bed and continue watering of tree planted last year. It was suggested to plant little bluestem between the trees and nepeta at the ends. Will be requesting volunteers to help with the plantings. Beaverdale: Terry, Toni, Donisue and Nancy picked up trash and dog do-do for Easter Egg Hunt on April 9th. About 150 kids came for the hunt. Westchester: will need to prune the roses soon.
URBANDALE MEDIAN: Roses at sign bed will need pruning soon. Nancy and Toni will cut back nepeta next week and decide if they can be divided for use at Ashby Park. Also look at new east end bed and decide what can be planted there. Nancy continues to pick up trash in median on a regular basis. Weather has not cooperated for a cleanup.
IRON WORKS PLANTER ORDER: 6 planters were ordered for spring for Ibsen Law, Custom Upholstery, BBB, HappyDSM, Green State Credit Union, and Holy Trinity. Planters are ready to be picked up. Nancy has access to a pickup. Will call to arrange. John and Mike can help with unloading.
STORAGE UNIT: located on Meredith Drive. Can be accessed with a code.
FLOWER ORDER: schedule for pickup Friday, May 13. Terry, Toni, John, can help pickup at greenhouse. Planting can be scheduled for Friday weather permitting. Donisue will help, too.
SCRUB: scheduled for May 21, volunteers are needed for two shifts. Sasha will meet with public affairs committee for details.
NEXT MEETING: May 17 at 6:30, hopefully in person or via Zoom.
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