BNA Board Minutes 8-3-2023

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

 Board of Directors Minutes

August 3, 2023

Location: Fishman Law Firm


  1. Call to Order at 7:00 pm – Marcus Coenen
  2. Attendance:
    1. Officers: President Marcus Coenen, Secretary Nicholas Mertes
    2. Board: Eddie Fishman, Kylie Spies, Adam Plagge, Therese Herold
    3. Guest: Karla Rangel
  3. Approval of Agenda: Approved with amendment, adding discussion on donation to Boy Scout Troop 93
  4. July meeting minutes: Approved
  5. Treasurer’s Report and monthly financials: Approved
  6. Public Comment: None
  7. Mayoral & School Board Elections forum with Lower Beaver Neighborhood Association
    1. Approved resolution to co-sponsor event hosted by LBNA
  8. Bluegrass Festival recap and request for donation
    1. Successful event- fantastic turnout, beer sales up from prior years
    2. Boy Scout Troop 93 was our “Green Team”, collecting trash and recycling during event and site walk/cleanup following morning.
    3. Troop goal was to raise money for purchase of dining flys, came up $600 short
    4. Resolution to donate $600 to Boy Scout Troop 93, approved
  9. Public Affairs Bylaw recommendations
    1. Need changes to bylaw structure and content for clarity, alignment with actual practice, and subcommittee structure
    2. Marcus will distribute proposed changes for review & comments
  10. Neighborhood survey
    1. 89 responses received thus far, keep open until end of August.
    2. Kylie will present results at October board meeting and November quarterly meeting.
  11. Annual neighborhood association grant from City of Des Moines
    1. Suggestion to spend on Holiday lights, look at solar option?
  12. Quarterly Meeting agenda
    1. Dave Busiek will lead, provide board and committee updates including Beaverdale Park, Fall Festival. Share any additional topics with Dave.
  13. Other business
    1. Halloween- Booverdale event. Therese and Ed to coordinate.
  1. Motion to allocate $200 for event- carried
    1. Karla Rangel nominated to join BNA board, motion carried.
  1. Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm.

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